Monday, February 10, 2020

February Updates and Health Information

Dear Parents,

First, thank you for regularly checking the emails that you receive from google classroom. I have yet to put in the January book report grades, so it will still show as "missing" until either your child goes into google classroom and clicks on "submit" for the assignment, or I put your child's grade into the system.

Please note that you will not be able to view assignment attachments etc. unless you log into google classroom with your child's account. This means that your weekly email is basically just a "check up" to remind them to do the work that they are supposed to be doing.

Second, our Valentine's Day "festivities" this Friday will be a lot more subdued than our October party.

Students are encouraged to:

- bring a box or a bag (I can supply some easy materials for the bag) for any cards that are handed out.
- bring valentines for all of their classmates, please make sure you are giving one to each classmate.
- wear comfortable clothes (like pajamas) and
- bring a book that they "love" if they don't have a favorite already at school.

We will be having quiet reading time, doughnuts, and hot chocolate/cider in the morning with some small decorations around the classroom, and will exchange valentines in the afternoon.

I appreciate the interest in volunteering, but this is hopefully going to be a more relaxing affair that will take place throughout different times of the day, instead an official "party" of sorts.

Third, last week we covered sexual exploitation and our first day of our puberty lessons. 

We went over the following definitions:
Exploitation - one person using another person to make themselves feel good or to get something from the other person no matter how the other person feels.
Sexual Exploitation - when someone tricks or pressures someone into "secret touching."
- Adults can also be sexually exploited, as well as children can be exploited by other children, but when a child is sexually exploited by an adult or older child, that is called "Sexual Abuse."
Private Parts - the parts of the body covered by a bathing suit: the bottom, a boy's or man's penis and scrotum, a girl's or woman's labia and vagina, and girls' chests, even if they are too young to have breasts.

A student asked about the term "rape" which was defined as a violent form of sexual exploitation in which someone is forced to do things that they do not want to do.

We covered Safe/Healthy, Unsafe/Unhealthy, and Confusing Touch. You can find more information on these two lessons Here (day 1)  and Here (day 2)

On Day 2 of this lesson, we covered how we can help someone who has been (or is being) sexually exploited. We went over a poster that consisted of

5 things a friend can do:
1) Listen.
2) Believe them.
3) Show you care.
4) Don't blame them.
5) Tell an adult, not other classmates.

These were very tough lessons for students, and it is my hope that they have been talking and processing with you about these topics at home afterwords.

On Friday we covered the first day of Puberty by making a chart of changes that Boys, Both, and Girls go through. A complete list of those changes is provided Here (Day 1)

Students noticed how many items were in the "Both" category, and we finished the week with some really good understanding between everyone.

This week we will cover the 2nd day of our Puberty lesson, Reproductive System (Day 1 and 2), as well as HIV/AIDs (Day 1 and 2). We will be using the OSPI KNOW curriculum for our HIV/AIDs lessons, which were included in the binder in the nurses office for you to preview.

Finally, in Math we are finishing up a unit on Proportions, and will most likely be taking a test on Thursday or Friday. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Mrs. Hart

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