Thursday, March 12, 2020

Day 4 of Online Learning! Updates!

Dear Parents,

I have been posting updates to Class Dojo of most of the daily assignments, so if you need log in instructions, you are welcome to email me.

Please scroll all the way past my photo for messages for Timbercrest families!

Another important message regarding Algebra Readiness Testing, students were scheduled to take this test last week, but were unable to because of the school closure. I spoke with Derek Tucci in the assessment department, and he said that students will be fine taking the test after we all get back to school, and that if they qualify, the delayed results will not affect their enrollment into Algebra 1 next year.

Today, students tried out BrainPOP with a video and some activities about gravity! They were able to ask me questions about the 3.5 math worksheet and skills, and have started a "long" (according to them) SeeSaw activity with the word problems they all made on Monday! I am hoping this will help support them to be ready for some sort of Math assessment next week on Block 3!

I say some sort, because the 5th grade team is still trying to figure out how to make our assessments useful and authentic with these different online environments!

In other news, starting on Monday, Mrs. Stockdale and/or Mrs. Foran, our recess para educators, are going to help me hold students accountable for turning in their work and reading their questions in the comments. They may even "monitor" a "zoom recess" time where kids can socialize and spend time with each other.

They are going to do this so that I can make this new "role" more sustainable for myself and my home life.

It takes a village! SO grateful for all of you, and for everyone's support during all of this chaos.

We had a staff zoom meeting today and everyone was definitely feeling like the "honeymoon" period is wearing off for the kiddos, and the teachers! It is going to take a lot of work to keep students to a schedule, set boundaries, etc.


Mrs. Hart

P.S. Here is my 'do for student conferences yesterday, I have to keep things interesting! :)

For Timbercrest Families:

Dear Future Timbercrest Families,

As we continue to plan and thoughtfully respond to the challenges the COVID-19 virus is presenting for our community, schools, and our district this week, we are making some changes to our typical 5th grade registration process.

  • Students will not be traveling to the middle school for our welcome event.  We will reschedule this experience later on in the spring.

  • Counselors will not be going down to the elementary schools to do registration.  This will be done remotely. Stay tuned for more information on how we will conduct the process.

  • We will also postpone our upcoming 5th grade parent night that was planned for March 10.  This event is one that is key to supporting the transition from elementary to middle school so we look forward to rescheduling in the near future.

Thanks for your grace during this time.  We recognize that there are feelings and anxiety and uncertainty out there, and that the changes we are making may add to that feeling of uncertainty.  Please know that we will take good care of your student’s needs and we will get all of the registration process sorted out with students placed where they should be.

We will get through this together!  Grace abounds!


Kristi Hannigan, Principal
Timbercrest Middle School

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